A Recap of Solace Lavender Farm's First Summer
While it might not feel like it yet in Fresno, fall has actually begun. Here at Solace Lavender Farm, we're looking back on our first summer with lots of gratitude as well as optimism for our future.

It's been six months since our lavender plants arrived. It's hard to remember that at that point they were just a few inches tall. They have done a lot of growing since then! From the day we planted them, they have been loving the soil and sun of the San Joaquin Valley. They didn't even seem to mind the 115 degree heat! It has been so encouraging to see the vision for Solace Lavender Farm start to materialize right before our eyes.
Throughout the summer, I (Dallas) was trimming the tops of the plants in order to direct the plants' energies toward root development rather than flower development. Most of our plants have now decided they are done growing for the season. After one final pruning this fall, they will go dormant for the winter then reemerge with big growth in the spring.

One of our varieties, called Provence, decided it's not done yet. Since the plants reached a good size, I stopped trimming the tops and let these ones flower. They are blooming like crazy!
I have been making dried bundles and sachets of Provence and I've also begun distilling essential oil from the Provence. The oil I distill now will be aged for several months and will hopefully be available for purchase when we launch products next summer.

Overall, our first summer of growing lavender has exceeded our expectations! We are very happy with the health of the plants and are excited to begin producing some lavender products to offer you all next year.
Thank you for being our buds!
I want to take a moment and thank all of you for choosing to join us on this adventure. Seeing others get excited about what we're doing at Solace Lavender Farm is so encouraging!
There are not many lavender farms around the Fresno area, so we knew when we started this venture that we would have to do the work of developing a community of fellow lavender-lovers in the Central Valley. If you are reading this right now, then you are part of that community! So, thank you! You are who we are growing lavender for, and we're so glad we've found each other.
A request
We know there are more lavender-lovers out there and we need your help finding them! While we are still several months from having lavender products to sell, we really want to spread the word about Solace Lavender Farm now so that the lavender can be enjoyed as soon as it blooms at the beginning of next summer.
So we're asking you to help in these ways:
Tell your friends the old fashioned way. Word of mouth is still the most meaningful way to share your excitement with someone. Direct them to our website, Instagram, or Facebook so they can stay in touch.
Tell your friends the new hip way. Every time you like, comment, and share our social media posts, you help more and more people find us. Sharing to your story is a great way to do that!
Join our email list. Even if you follow us on Facebook or Instagram, the algorithm won't always show you our posts. That means you're going to miss something! We won't be sending out many email updates for now, but that is where we will be announcing our first U-Pick dates as well as when our first products will be available.
Thank you again for following our journey and helping spread the word!